My rating: 5 of 5 stars
History revealed, truth unfolds!
Book- The Crossbow Code
Author- MC Raj.
The book is all about politics, power, capitalism, dominance and what not. A source of knowledge of the world history answering the loop holes we have had reading history in classes.
A totally different picture of the father of the nation that are kept hidden behind the black and blue text in our history books.
The masquerade fell from filthy faces of the people who call them as follower of Jesus.
I personally loved the one liners or the text in Italics as the summary of the paragraphs and revelation of the deeper meaning hidden in it.
In author's style I would like to conclude, 'History revealed, truths unfolded.
The book had typos which is a common human error and repetition of terms like Pandora's box could have been avoided.
Reccomendation-Recommended to those who take a keen interest in world history and are ready to accept the truth.
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