My rating: 3 of 5 stars
Book- Heart of Bullets
Author- Nikhil Kushwaha
Publishers- Petals Publishers
Critic comes first,I was disappointed with editing of the book. It was recklessly done which could have been better done.
The story is narrated in first person by the protagonist, Arpan. The story revolves around his and his best friend's life. A story of love found, lost and found again.
The scenario of wars was breath taking as if happening live in front of me I could hear the gun rattles myself through words.
A strong story line it has just lost the track in between but then held it back towards the end.
The end was shocking but then love always is crazy.
All together a must read to know what true love is!
Recommended to all those who don't believe in fairy tale love.
Ratings- 4/5
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