My rating: 4 of 5 stars
Book- Love story? Seriously!
Author- Shivi Pandey
Review-A very apt title for the story inside. It wasn't a love story but a love 'search' story.
The story revolves around life of Samar who badly wants love in life that but it always reject him and the moment love enters he rejects it back and finally when he is ready to embrace love a twist happens, read the story for that!
The story moves very smoothly and hardly does it gets boring, the style of writing is crisp and to the point. The story is full of wit and humour. The twist in the end was unexpecting and leaves the reader with many questions that they want to ask the author.
Typos were found but that is common human error.
Recommendation- Don't want to read a love story then read this..slightsmile emoticon
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